Christian Friends of Leket Israel

Antisemitism: The Hidden Spiritual War

I’ve been asked many times, “Why do people hate Jews?” 

Antisemitism is a pervasive issue, one that defies a simple, rational explanation—it’s more of a spiritual sickness. While psychology provides some insights, the root of this hatred goes much deeper. It’s an ongoing spiritual warfare against God’s Plan, with history providing countless examples.

Throughout human history, there’s been a constant effort to thwart God’s plan, and it often involves the Jewish people. This thread of animosity is as robust today as ever. From Pharaoh and Antiochus Epiphanes to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, these infamous figures denied God and sought to replace His plan with their own twisted worldviews. This isn’t just a coincidence; it shows how antisemitism is deeply tied to the struggle against God.

The Mark of the Covenant

If you’re a Bible believer seeking to live out scriptural values, carrying a mark that makes you a target for the enemies of God. But for the Jewish people, this mark is unique. Their covenant relationship with God is symbolized in their flesh through circumcision, setting them apart as God’s emissaries among humans.

When people target the Jewish people, they are, in essence, targeting God Himself. It’s perhaps the most direct way to express hatred towards God.

A Biblical Foundation

You see this struggle clearly in the Bible. Right from the beginning in the book of Genesis, there’s an ongoing spiritual battle. The scripture says, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed: he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel” (Genesis 3:15). This battle manifests in various forms, from the expulsion from the Garden of Eden to the Tower of Babel.

But the Old Testament also celebrates heroism and righteousness. Everything shifts when God establishes His Covenants with the Jewish people. Look at Abraham’s Call:

 Genesis 12:1-3: “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing…”

God’s promise continues through Abraham’s descendants, Isaac and Jacob:

Genesis 26:3-4: “Dwell in this land, and I will be with you and bless you; for to you and your descendants I give all these lands…”

Genesis 28:13-14: “I am the Lord God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants…”

Persecution Through the Ages

Even with God’s hand upon them, the Jewish people have faced relentless persecution. Pharaoh tried to eliminate them by ordering the murder of newborn Hebrew boys:

Exodus 1:16: “If it is a son, then you shall kill him.”

And during their exile in Persia, another attempt was made to destroy them:

Esther 3:9 “If it pleases the king, let a decree be written that they be destroyed.”

Unyielding Spirit: From Past to Present

Despite these atrocities, God’s plans remain undefeated. The spiritual nature of antisemitism is glaring through these relentless attempts. For instance, during Hanukkah, Antiochus Epiphanes tried to force Jews to abandon their faith. He desecrated the Temple but was met with divine intervention and a miraculous military victory.

God describes Israel in loving terms: “the apple of His eye” (Deuteronomy 32:10) and “His treasured possession” (Deuteronomy 7:6). Despite countless attempts to eradicate them, the Jewish people have not only survived but thrived, fulfilling God’s prophecies. The Holocaust, perhaps the darkest chapter in this saga, made the need for a Jewish State clear. Just three years after World War II ended, Israel was reborn, becoming a beacon of hope and continuity for the Jewish people. This was no accident; it was divine orchestration. The rebirth of Israel fulfilled prophetic promises and ensured the Jewish people’s survival.

Modern Antisemitism: A Spiritual Continuation

God’s final prophetic work hinges on the Jewish people’s return to their land. Today’s rampant antisemitism, especially anti-Israel sentiments, needs to be seen in this context. Jacob Emden, a leading German rabbi, put it best when he said, “By my life, the survival of the Jewish people in this exile is a greater miracle than the Splitting of the Sea.”

Despite this satanic plot against the Jews and Israel, God’s work will ultimately be fulfilled.


Understanding the spiritual dimensions of antisemitism helps us comprehend its insidious nature. When people aim their hatred at the Jewish people, they’re directly opposing God. Let’s remain vigilant, stay informed, and stand firm in support of God’s chosen people. God’s promises are unwavering and eternal, just as He has always kept them.

If you heard someone at work say, “I have nothing against the Jews, but they really only care about themselves and put themselves ahead of everyone else. A few years ago, I was passed up for a promotion, and the guy who got the job was a Jew. I’ll bet the boss was a Jew too,” would you trust the sincerity of what they say?

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