Christian Friends of Leket Israel

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Leket Ambassadors

 For the past 19 years, Leket Israel has been working with farmers, hotels, corporate cafeterias, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) army bases, and other food donors, to rescue nutritious cooked food to benefit those who need it most. Additionally, with the help of licensed dietitians, Leket Israel provides nutrition education workshops to vulnerable populations to teach

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The First Social Supermarket in Nahariya

In March, Leket Israel, in cooperation with the City of Nahariya and the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey, opened the first ever social supermarket in Nahariya (northern Israel). Social supermarkets, which are already popular in countries like the United Kingdom, the United States, and Europe, are a new phenomenon in Israel. The supermarket is

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A New Year and a New Unique Holiday Project

Following two years of Covid-19, many Israelis have unfortunately joined the circle of poverty, unable to provide basic necessities for their families. Compounded by the impact of the war in Ukraine and the farmers being unable to export their produce and the rising cost of living, many Israelis found it difficult to make ends meet

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Nourishing Soups that Warm the Body and the Heart

A hot soup in the winter does more than just fill an empty stomach; it also offers comfort and nourishment. Leket Israel’s soup initiative demonstrates a desire to go beyond providing a daily hot meal. In partnership with caterer Mevushelet, Leket Israel is Preparing fresh soups from surplus produce rescued from farms and packing houses

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2022 in Review

Dear Friends, I am honored to share Leket Israel’s 2022 Annual Report with you. While Leket Israel is most well-known for its food rescue operations, there are several other projects that the organization has created to assist vulnerable populations in Israel. Whether it is finding new solutions for surplus produce, partnering with municipalities, making holidays

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Why Jesus’ Jewishness Matters

Jesus and the apostles never denied their Jewishness. What is the first verse of the New Testament? I know it is a strange question. One that I have asked many Christians. Do not feel embarrassed a startlingly large number of Christians don’t know. Matthew 1:1 (NKJV) reads, “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ,

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Israel: A Light Unto the Nations

Israel: A Light unto the Nations! Yesterday and Today! Israel has a unique mission. While God has called each of us as Christians to be a light to those around us. God has called Israel to be a light unto the Nations. In Isaiah 49:6 God instructs the people of Israel, “Indeed He says, ‘It

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How to Pray for Israel like Ruth

God’s word has so many fascinating and inspiring layers of meaning doesn’t it? I am rereading the Book of Ruth and each time I read it I am rewarded with a fresh insight. That’s the wonderful thing about the Bible, we can come back to it again and again and each time God will find

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William Hechler: The Pastor who helped found Israel

How much love can one Christian have for Israel? I believe God calls each of us to support the Jewish people. I believe that we live in a time when our support is vital to the survival of the Jewish state. An inspiring example of this love is the Reverend William Hechler. When the Father

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The Problem of Food Waste in Israel

1 in 3 Israeli youth go hungry while almost 2.5 million tonnes of food are wasted. That’s almost 35% of all the good, nutritious food farmed in Israel. That’s $1,150.00 of wasted food per household. Leket Israel: The National Food Bank’s president Gidi Kroch has said, “The worsening problem of food waste and insecurity has

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