Christian Friends of Leket Israel

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Leket – The Commandment Which Saved Ruth and Naomi

I want to share with you a powerful, moving story from the Book of Ruth. It’s a story about a beautiful biblical commandment, Leket, that changed the lives of two women, Ruth and Naomi, and whose legacy continues to impact lives through the work of Leket Israel today. Imagine for a moment, you’re walking through

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75 interesting facts about Israel

For Israel’s 75th Anniversary here are 75 interesting facts about the land. Facts about the Israeli Flag The design of Israel’s flag is based on the Jewish prayer shawl, or tallit, which has blue and white stripes. The flag was adopted on October 28, 1948, shortly after Israel declared its independence. The blue color on

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Reflecting on 20 years of success

The journey of Leket Israel began 20 years ago today. What started as a one-man volunteer operation in my driveway, has, over the last 20 years, become the National Food Bank of Israel and Israel’s leading food rescue organization, feeding 234,000+ people weekly. When I embarked on this project in March of 2003, I could

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Leket Israel: Celebrating 20 years!

20 Facts You Didn’t Know About Leket Israel Donate Now 1 In 2003, Joseph Gitler, a recent immigrant from New York, started rescuing meals from catering halls as a one-man volunteer operation to respond to the paradox of growing hunger and poverty in Israel on the one hand and significant food waste on the other.

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Why I support Israel Part 2/2

Irrevocable “Who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen.” Romans 9:4-5 Think about this. This is

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Why I support Israel Part 1/2

In a quote that is usually attributed to 4th century Christian leader Augustine, it was said about the Bible, “In the Old Testament the New is concealed, in the New the Old is revealed.” When you sit down to read a novel, you wouldn’t start reading from the back to find out how it ends.

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Lessons from Feeding the Five Thousand Part 2

In Part one we ended with the question, who fed the five thousand, Jesus or the Disciples? The Scripture seems unclear on the question. In some versions of the Gospels it is the disciples handing out the food, in others it is Jesus. We know that not one word of Scripture contradicts any other, so

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Lessons from Feeding the Five Thousand Part 1

Why is this the only miracle mentioned in all four gospels? We can never know for sure, but I see some reasons you may never have considered. I want to share with you some insights I feel will draw you closer to our Jewish roots, give you a greater sense that God is always with

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How to fight the pernicious idea of Replacement Theology

There is a theology that wants to distance us from Jesus, see God as a Promise Breaking God, and blind us to the greatest Miracle God is performing in the world today. It is the toxic, unbiblical, ideology known as “Replacement Theology”. Here are it’s claims, God’s words are not meant literally, but allegorically God

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Leket Ambassadors

 For the past 19 years, Leket Israel has been working with farmers, hotels, corporate cafeterias, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) army bases, and other food donors, to rescue nutritious cooked food to benefit those who need it most. Additionally, with the help of licensed dietitians, Leket Israel provides nutrition education workshops to vulnerable populations to teach

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