Christian Friends of Leket Israel

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The Shocking Reality of Child Hunger in Israel

One in Three Israeli Children Go to Bed Hungry According to the National Insurance Institute 800,000 Israeli children and teens go to school hungry, that is one third of the younger generation (Jerusalem Post). 53% of the children in Jerusalem go to bed hungry (Jewish Food Hero). The situation is bleak, “Some head to school

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Jesus and the Tallit

Judaism: A Fringe Religion How were Jesus’ values apparent in His clothing? Many of us have an incorrect image of Jesus like this in our mind, By Heinrich Hofmann – "Christ And The Rich Young Ruler" public domain picture, Public Domain, But in reality He would have looked much more like this, The blue striped

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2021 Summary Report

Greetings from the Founder Dear Friends,   I am delighted to share with you Leket Israel’s 2021 Annual Report.  This Report highlights Leket’s accomplishments in 2021 as well as shares its milestones from the past 18 years.  We are truly grateful for your ongoing support. Together, we can continue to provide fresh rescued food to those who need

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Feeding Holocaust Survivors during COVID-19

During the COVID lockdown Leket Israel was faced with many challenges – both in our harvesting of food and also in delivering that food to those in need. With social distancing rules many soup kitchens and food banks were forced to close.  However, in spite of these challenges, there were many success stories. One of

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Edna: A Leket Israel Volunteer

Leket Israel relies on tens of thousands of volunteers each year to help glean and sort produce. Most of our volunteers are Israeli but many of our volunteers are part of tours which come for short term visits.  Edna, mother of five and grandmother to many, made Aliyah (moved to Israel) 30 years ago. Before

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The Story of Hanukkah

The story of Hanukkah is the first story of people fighting for the freedom to worship God, free from government intrusion or forced cultural change. In the second century before Christ, the Jews and their Homeland were occupied by the Seleucid, the Greek Kingdom based in Syria. The Greeks mistreated the poor across the land,

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Hanukkah Recipe

Potato Latkes Recipe Oil is central to the story of Hanukkah, so to commemorate this many foods associated with the holiday are fried in oil. Cheese Latkes became associated with Hanukkah in Italy in the early fourteenth century, and after a famine in eastern Europe in the mid nineteenth century, potatoes were substituted for cheese.Ingredients

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Rabbis discuss Hanukkah

During the eight days Jews will include the Hallel, Psalm 113-118, in their prayers. Rabbi Pesach Wolicki explains why,  “Psalm 117 speaks of all nations and all peoples praising and exalting the Lord for His kindness to the people of Israel. While this may not seem to many people today to be such a radical

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7 Biblical Superfoods for Students

The Shiv’at HaMinim are the seven staples of the Land of Israel,wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates are powerful superfoods for kids in school. At Leket Israel: The National Food Bank we take pride in being to offer these and other nutritious foods to Israeli teens struggling with poverty and under nourishment. Wheat Wheat in

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Ideas for Eating Healthy at School

Summer vacation is almost over and we’ll inevitably be returning to a daily routine. Along with normal activities, we should also return to proper dietary practices that will help improve children’s performance during school including a sense of alertness, concentration and even enhanced academic achievements. The following article provides ideas for creating healthy eating habits

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